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Inventory Reporting & Management

Use Inventory Reporting & Management to create detailed inventory reports of devices, rooms, and sites.


Inventory - Provide a View of the devices associated to a specific tenant. If a Tenant Id is provided as an URL parameter, it will be shown if you have access to the requested account.

All Inventory - Provide a View of all devices associated to all accounts you have access to.

Device Details - Clicking into any device from inventory dives provides the information applicable to a device and made available through Poly Lens.

The following noted APIs are a Poly Lens Premium Poly Premiere icon feature enabled by Poly+ Enterprise. To learn more about this service, see Poly+ Enterprise.

Supported APIs

Custom Device Tags

APIDescriptionTypeRequired ArgumentsRequires Poly Lens Premium
addDeviceTag Attaches a new tag to a device and returns the list of all the tags for the device.Mutationtag, deviceIdNo
removeDeviceTag Removes the specified tag from a device and returns the list of all tags for the device.Mutationtag, deviceIdNo

Inventory Reporting

APIDescriptionTypeRequired ArgumentsRequires Poly Lens Premium
catalogModelsReturns the hardware product information for the products in the product catalog.Queryn/aNo
countDevices Returns the total number of devices the requesting user has permission to view, across all tenants that the user can access.Queryn/aNo
deviceAggregationsGrouping the devices based on their geographical location.Queryn/aNo
deviceSearch Searches for devices using query parameters. Supports pagination and finding results of more than 10K entries.
Note: The pageSize should be limited to 5000 entries or less (default 10). Also, pageSize parameter of subsequent page calls must be idential to the first, or an error will be returned.
hardwareModel Hardware Model level details for an item in the product catalog.QueryhardwareModelIdNo

Notification Center

APIDescriptionTypeRequired ArgumentsRequires Poly Lens Premium
ncAddRecipient Adds a recipient who will receive notifications.MutationinputYes
ncConfirmEmail Confirms recipient's email address.MutationncConfirmEmailIdYes
ncCreateServiceNowWebhook Creates a new webhook in Poly Lens for ServiceNow.MutationtenantId, inputYes
ncCreateTeamsWebhookForTenant Creates a new webhook in Poly Lens for Microsoft Teams.MutationtenantIdYes
ncDeleteServiceNowWebhook Deletes a ServiceNow webhook.MutationncDeleteServiceNowWebhookIdYes
ncDeleteTeamsWebhook Deletes a Microsoft Teams webhook.MutationncDeleteTeamsWebhookIdYes
ncDisableAction Disables notifications for an action.MutationinputYes
ncDisableServiceNowWebhook Disables a ServiceNow webhook.MutationncDisableServiceNowWebhookIdYes
ncDisableTeamsWebhook Disables a Microsoft Teams webhookMutationncDisableTeamsWebhookIdYes
ncDisableTenant Disables email notifications for a tenant.MutationncDisableTenantIdYes
ncDisableUser Disables email notifications for users.MutationinputYes
ncEnableAction Enables notifications for an action.MutationinputYes
ncEnableServiceNowWebhook Enables a ServiceNow webhook to start sending notifications to ServiceNow.MutationncEnableServiceNowWebhookIdYes
ncEnableTeamsWebhook Enables a Microsoft Teams webhook to start sending notifications to Microsoft TeamsMutationncEnableTeamsWebhookIdYes
ncEnableTenant Enables email notifications for a tenant.MutationncEnableTenantIdYes
ncEnableUser Enables email notifications for users.MutationinputYes
ncPoly Returns details of all Poly notification configurations.Query-Yes
ncRemoveRecipient Removes a recipient.MutationinputYes
ncReplaceRecipient Replaces a recipient.MutationinputYes
ncServiceNow Returns details of all configured ServiceNow webhooks.Query-Yes
ncSetFrequency Sets notification frequency for an action.MutationinputYes
ncTeams Returns details of all configured Microsoft Teams webhooks.Query-Yes
ncTestServiceNowWebhook API for testing of a ServiceNow webhook.MutationinputYes
ncTestServiceNowWebhookWithParams API for testing of a ServiceNow webhook with parameters.MutationtenantId, inputYes
ncTestTeamsWebhook API for testing of a Microsoft Teams webhook.MutationinputYes
ncUnsubscribe Unsubscribes a recipient.MutationncUnsubscribeIdYes
ncUpdateServiceNowActionConfiguration Updates action configuration of a ServiceNow webhook.MutationinputYes
ncUpdateServiceNowWebhook Updates a ServiceNow webhook.MutationncUpdateServiceNowWebhookId, inputYes
ncUpdateTeamsWebhook Updates a Microsoft Teams webhookMutationncUpdateTeamsWebhookId, inputYes
ncUpdateWebhookActionConfiguration Updates action configuration of a Microsoft Teams webhook.MutationinputYes
notificationCenter Enables tenant admin or device manager to enable and configure notifications for events that occur in Poly Lens.Query-Yes

Room & Site Management

APIDescriptionTypeRequired ArgumentsRequires Poly Lens Premium
deleteRooms Deletes an existing room or sets of rooms.MutationtenantId, idsNo
deleteSites Deletes an existing site or set of sites.MutationtenantId, idsNo
room Gets detailed data for a specified room.QueryroomIdNo
roomData Retrieves room data for a specified tenant.QuerytenantIdNo
site Gets the geographical location of the device.QuerysiteIdNo
siteData Retrieves site data for a specified tenant.QuerytenantIdNo
switchSite Switches a room to another site.MutationtenantId, siteId, roomIdNo
upsertRoomCreates a new room or updates an existing room if applicable.MutationtenantId, siteIdNo
upsertSite Creates a new site or updates an existing site if applicable.MutationtenantId, nameNo

Subnet Management

APIDescriptionTypeRequired ArgumentsRequires Poly Lens Premium
createSubnetRule Creates a new subnet rule.MutationsiteId, publicCidrNo
deleteSubnetRuleDeletes an existing subnet rule.MutationruleIdNo
getSubnetRules Get subnet rules for a given site.QuerysiteIdNo
getSubnetRuleValidity Check if site subnet rules are valid.QuerytenantId, siteId, publicCidrNo
updateSubnetRuleUpdates an existing subnet rule.MutationpublicCidr, ruleIdNo